Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Japan Journifications, Ear/Eye Hustles & Such

Japan Journification

I'm IN Buddha. Who gets to do this with regularity or even once. I'm IN Buddha (The statue in Kamukura Japan.) I've waited in line and gone down the dark sweaty set of steps along with all the other world travelers, Japan born folk who just haven't visited yet, serious meditating contortionist and maybe one or two folk on their death beds (Please let me look like this at 103.) This is like unfathomable. In fact as I'm walking down the steps I ask myself, "Am I here?" 

I'm there in full on meditation, spiritual tingling plus earthly sweat mode (Thanks Dove deodorant for sensitive underarms.) I am asking all the important questions I want to ask such as, "What is my divine purpose?" (The answer I got later.) I close my eyes, take a deep breath. I listen intently. To the right of me I hear..."I'm in the muthafuckin' Buddha bitches. Let me tell you it's hot up in this piece. But we here. We made it. Scherita you little punk ass (insert racialized profanity here) I can't believe we came all the way here and you wouldn't come down here.  Shiiiyyyaatt. Welp yall it’s too fuckin' hot. Buddha need an air conditioning and I need a beer.) 

Dear Excited Man With Your Video Camera,
The next time you and your video camera come to the beautiful Buddha statue, shut up. Please. Just. Shut. Up. Scherita, get off your ass and step inside next time. I guarantee it won't happen often.

By the way, my divine purpose--"Live. What will be will be. Do not see things in right or wrong, whether one path leading to another path. Breathe longer. Breathe better. Live fully."

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